Ultimate PBJ 24 Nov Written By Thierry Ngutegure Ingredients:6 Slices of SourdoughButterMothernutter Peanut ButterMothernutter Ultimate JamMethod:Butter one side of the slices of sourdough.Spread a layer of peanut butter over buttered sides of sourdough, then spread over a layer of jam and assemble the sandwich.Serve straight away. Thierry Ngutegure
Ultimate PBJ 24 Nov Written By Thierry Ngutegure Ingredients:6 Slices of SourdoughButterMothernutter Peanut ButterMothernutter Ultimate JamMethod:Butter one side of the slices of sourdough.Spread a layer of peanut butter over buttered sides of sourdough, then spread over a layer of jam and assemble the sandwich.Serve straight away. Thierry Ngutegure